Traits and Me
One of the traits I admire most in people is honesty, but honesty is not an easy thing. A lot of the time it feels easier to lie because it can avoid awkward situations or get us out of trouble. But we must ask ourselves if this makes it worth the consequences of losing someone’s trust or damaging our integrity. Without trust and integrity, we would be incapable of being effective leaders because why would you follow someone you don’t trust? Honesty, therefore, is one of the most important traits you could have as a leader. Another important trait is humility. In my opinion, a leader is someone who stands in the background as support, helping their followers achieve their goals and experience success, while never asking for recognition or anything in return. It is important to remember that without your team, there most likely would not have been success in the first place. Lastly, I admire creativity, but not in terms of artistic ability. Don’t get me wrong, that type of creativity is wonderful and beautiful, but creativity can also refer to creative thinking or innovative solutions. To me, creativity means thinking outside the box, looking for new or unexpected ways to solve problems. I admire this trait so much because I think it is so hard to practice and achieve yet it is so key to being a leader. But I also believe that just because you are the leader doesn’t mean you are the only one who is creative. Part of being a leader is listening to those around you and being open to their ideas, learning from their creativity as well.